jueves, 2 de febrero de 2023

Cumbre con Marruecos

Esta semana se ha organizado una cumbre con Marruecos de alto nivel, y el Gobierno vuelve a dar la nota. Es difícil, pero con esfuerzo se puede seguir haciendo el ridículo.
Su socio principal le boicotea, la patronal no asiste por pactar la subida del SMI sin contar con ellos, y el rey de Marruecos deja plantado al Presidente por razones que desconocemos, aunque imagino que no les hará ninguna gracia que el socio principal del gobierno les ataque diciendo que no respetan los derechos humanos.
Pero al final nuestro Presidente nos hará gala de su diplomacia, y nos dirá que todo ha ido según lo planeado, sino mejor.

This week a high-level summit with Morocco has been organized, and the Government once again strikes a note. It is difficult, but with effort they can continue making a fool of themself.
His main partner boycotts him, the employers do not attend because they agreed to raise the SMI without counting on them, and the King of Morocco stands up to the President for reasons unknown to us, although we can imagine that they will not be amused that the main partner of the government attack saying they do not respect human rights.
But in the end our President will show us his diplomacy, and he will tell us that everything has gone according to plan, if not better.


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