Otra vez a vueltas con las mascarillas, pero ahora desde el otro lado del Congreso. Me preguntó si al estudiar política, hay una asignatura dedicada a a corrupción, porque más de uno es Cum Laude. Cuando no es uno, es otro, y mientras tanto machacando al contrario, sabiendo, que en unos meses será al contrario. No sería mejor callar y asumir que al final te va a tocar?. Bueno, yo no tengo respuesta, no soy político.
Again with the masks, but now from the other side of Congress. He asked me if when someone is studying politics, there is a subject dedicated to corruption, because more than one is Cum Laude. When it is not one, it is another, and meanwhile crushing the opposite, knowing that in a few months it will be the opposite. Wouldn't it be better to keep quiet and assume that in the end it's going to be your turn? Well, I don't have an answer, I'm not a politician.