lunes, 31 de diciembre de 2018
Nochevieja 2018
Os deseo a todos una feliz Nochevieja, y que el año 2019 venga cargado de nuevas oportunidades.
I wish you all a happy New Year's Eve, and that the year 2019 come full of new opportunities.
I wish you all a happy New Year's Eve, and that the year 2019 come full of new opportunities.
lunes, 24 de diciembre de 2018
Feliz Navidad 2018
A todos los que me seguís en el blog, en la APP o en las redes, desearos unas felices fiestas en familia, y que el 2019 sea al menos tan bueno como el año que nos deja
To all of you who follow me on the blog, in the APP or on the social networks, wish you a happy family holiday, and that 2019 was at least as good as the year that leaves us
To all of you who follow me on the blog, in the APP or on the social networks, wish you a happy family holiday, and that 2019 was at least as good as the year that leaves us
Feliz Navidad 2018
jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2018
Implementando Devops
La semana pasada me presenté al examen de certificación "Devops Professional", y he querido hacer un dibujo al respecto.
Last week I did the certification exam of "Devops Professional", and I have made a picture about it.
Last week I did the certification exam of "Devops Professional", and I have made a picture about it.
Implementando Devops
jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2018
Estudiando ingeniería
jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2018
Estudiando informática
Con esta serie acabamos todos siendo Cum Laude. Hoy vamos a estudiar informática. Es muy simple, cero o uno.
With this series we all ended up being Cum Laude. Today we are going to study computer science. It is very simple, zero or one.
With this series we all ended up being Cum Laude. Today we are going to study computer science. It is very simple, zero or one.
Estudiando informática
jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2018
Estudiando matemáticas
jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2018
Estudiando inglés
Seguimos con la serie "Estudiando...", y hoy toca Inglés, porque los idiomas son muy importantes.
We continue with the series "Studying ...", and today it is the turno of English, because languages are very important.
We continue with the series "Studying ...", and today it is the turno of English, because languages are very important.
Estudiando inglés
jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2018
Estudiando anatomía
Hoy nos toca estudiar anatomía. Al final con esta serie, alguno se va a sacar el título de estudios superiores
Today we have to study anatomy. At the end of this series, someone is going to get the degree of higher education
Today we have to study anatomy. At the end of this series, someone is going to get the degree of higher education
Estudiando anatomía
viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2018
Estudiando sintaxis
jueves, 25 de octubre de 2018
Estudiando geografía
Siguiendo con la serie, hoy toca estudiar geografía, a través de nuestros políticos. Puede ser cualquiera de ellos, de cualquier partido, en cualquier momento de la historia.
Continuing with the series, today we have to study geography, through our politicians. It can be any of them, of any party, at any time in history.
Continuing with the series, today we have to study geography, through our politicians. It can be any of them, of any party, at any time in history.
Estudiando geografía
jueves, 18 de octubre de 2018
Estudiando filosofía
Continuamos "estudiando". Hoy le toca el turno a la filosofía, de la que ayer oíamos decir que quieren que vuelva a ser una asignatura obligatoria.
We continue "studying." Today it is the turn of philosophy, of which yesterday we heard that probably it is going to be a mandatory subject again.
We continue "studying." Today it is the turn of philosophy, of which yesterday we heard that probably it is going to be a mandatory subject again.
Estudiando filosofía
jueves, 11 de octubre de 2018
Estudiando química
El otro día mi hija estaba estudiando química, y no sólo se me ocurrió este dibujo, sino que pensé en hacer una serie con las diferentes asignaturas. Los podréis ver en las próximas semanas.
The other day my daughter was studying chemistry, and not only did I come up with this drawing, but I also thought about doing a series with the different subjects. You can see them in the coming weeks.
The other day my daughter was studying chemistry, and not only did I come up with this drawing, but I also thought about doing a series with the different subjects. You can see them in the coming weeks.
Estudiando química
jueves, 4 de octubre de 2018
Hace unos años hice una serie sobre "Bring Your Own Device" para una reunión internacional, por eso están en inglés.
Ayer tomando café con unos compañeros, se me ocurrió este dibujo, que añadimos a la serie.
A few years ago I did a series about "Bring Your Own Device" for an international meeting, that's why they are in English.
Yesterday drinking coffee with some colleagues, I thought in this drawing, so, I add it to the series.
Ayer tomando café con unos compañeros, se me ocurrió este dibujo, que añadimos a la serie.
A few years ago I did a series about "Bring Your Own Device" for an international meeting, that's why they are in English.
Yesterday drinking coffee with some colleagues, I thought in this drawing, so, I add it to the series.
jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2018
Pon un Master en tu vida III
Tenía este dibujo pensado para terminar, por el momento, la serie sobre los Master. Con la llegada de nuevas noticias, hay que ir actualizando el reportaje gráfico
I had this drawing designed to finish, for the moment, the series about the Master. With the arrival of new news, we must update the graphic report
I had this drawing designed to finish, for the moment, the series about the Master. With the arrival of new news, we must update the graphic report
Pon un Master en tu vida III
jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2018
Pon un Master en tu vida II
Durante la semana hemos seguido escuchando noticias sobre la famosa Tesis y los Master, así que yo también sigo con mi serie.
During the week we have continued listening to news about the famous Thesis and the Masters, so I also continue with my series.
During the week we have continued listening to news about the famous Thesis and the Masters, so I also continue with my series.
Pon un Master en tu vida II
jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2018
Pon un master en tu vida
Esta semana hemos vuelto a tener lío con los masters, y hoy nos encontramos con el lío de la tesis. Ayer se me ocurrió hacer este dibujo, antes de conocer la noticia de hoy.
This week we are again speaking about masters, and today we find the mess of the thesis. Yesterday I thought in this drawing, before knowing the news of today.
This week we are again speaking about masters, and today we find the mess of the thesis. Yesterday I thought in this drawing, before knowing the news of today.
Pon un master en tu vida
jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2018
Nuevas contrataciones VI
Antes del verano, preparé una serie titulada Nuevas Contrataciones. Me quedo uno por publicar que pongo hoy, y aprovecho para poner la serie completa, para aquellos que no la habéis visto
Before the summer, I prepared a series called New Hiring. I remain one to publish that I put today, and I take advantage to put the complete series, for those who have not seen it
Before the summer, I prepared a series called New Hiring. I remain one to publish that I put today, and I take advantage to put the complete series, for those who have not seen it
Nuevas contrataciones VI
cloud computing,
viernes, 31 de agosto de 2018
Los beneficios del mar
Se acabaron las vacaciones y volvemos a la normalidad, incluyendo los atascos. Estando en la playa se me ocurrió este dibujo para mejorar el tráfico
The holidays are over and we are back to normal, including traffic jams. Being on the beach I came up with this drawing to improve traffic
The holidays are over and we are back to normal, including traffic jams. Being on the beach I came up with this drawing to improve traffic
Los beneficios del mar
jueves, 23 de agosto de 2018
La dieta mediterránea XXIV
Todos conocemos las bondades de la fruta en verano, pero hay que tener cuidado para que no nos afecte negativamente a nuestra dieta
We all know the benefits of fruit in summer, but we must be careful so that it does not adversely affect our diet
We all know the benefits of fruit in summer, but we must be careful so that it does not adversely affect our diet
La dieta mediterránea XXIV
dieta mediterránea,
jueves, 16 de agosto de 2018
La dieta mediterránea XXIII
Hoy seguimos con el tema del verano y hay que evitar las comidas redondas, si no queremos ponernos "redondos"
We continue with the summer issue, and we have to avoid round meals, if we do not want to get "round"
La dieta mediterránea XXIII
dieta mediterránea,
jueves, 9 de agosto de 2018
La dieta mediterránea XXII
Seguimos con nuestra serie de verano, y os recuerdo que si visitamos al nutricionista, mejor será que entendamos bien lo que nos quiere decir, para evitar males mayores.
We continue with our summer series, and I remind you that if we visit the nutritionist, it is better that we understand well what he wants to say, to avoid greater evils.
We continue with our summer series, and I remind you that if we visit the nutritionist, it is better that we understand well what he wants to say, to avoid greater evils.
La dieta mediterránea XXII
dieta mediterránea,
jueves, 2 de agosto de 2018
La dieta mediterránea XXI
Ya ha llegado Agosto, así que continuamos con nuestra serie de la dieta mediterránea. Para aquellos que no hayan visto los dibujos anteriores, podéis descargar el libro desde la pestaña "Publicaciones", o descargando mi APP
Funny Pictures
We are in August, so we continue with our summer series about mediterranea diet. For those of you that have not seen the previous pictures, you can download the book from "Publicaciones" in this blog, or installing my APP in your Android Funny Pictures
Funny Pictures
We are in August, so we continue with our summer series about mediterranea diet. For those of you that have not seen the previous pictures, you can download the book from "Publicaciones" in this blog, or installing my APP in your Android Funny Pictures
La dieta mediterránea XXI
dieta mediterránea,
jueves, 26 de julio de 2018
VeriSM certification
Esta semana he obtenido la certificación VeriSM, y he querido hacer un dibujo al respecto. La próxima semana terminaremos la serie de "Nuevas contrataciones"
This week I have obtained the VeriSM certification, and I wanted to draw a picture about it. Next week we will finish the series of "New hires"
This week I have obtained the VeriSM certification, and I wanted to draw a picture about it. Next week we will finish the series of "New hires"
VeriSM certification
add value,
transformacion digital,
jueves, 19 de julio de 2018
Nuevas contrataciones V
jueves, 12 de julio de 2018
Nuevas contrataciones IV
Seguimos con esta serie, y toca el turno al CISO, Responsable de Seguridad, o como se diga, que yo tampoco estoy muy seguro
We continue with this series, and it is the turn of the CISO, Responsible for Security, or as it is said, that I am not too sure
We continue with this series, and it is the turn of the CISO, Responsible for Security, or as it is said, that I am not too sure
Nuevas contrataciones IV
jueves, 5 de julio de 2018
Nuevas contrataciones III
jueves, 28 de junio de 2018
Nuevas contrataciones II
Este dibujo es continuación del de la semana pasada, sobre los nuevos trabajos que creamos, gracias a la tecnología. Continuará ...
This drawing is a continuation of last week's, about the new jobs that we create, thanks to technology.
To be continue ...
This drawing is a continuation of last week's, about the new jobs that we create, thanks to technology.
To be continue ...
Nuevas contrataciones II
jueves, 21 de junio de 2018
Nuevas contrataciones
jueves, 14 de junio de 2018
Código Morse
Ultimamente estoy creando alguna APP. La última, es un traductor de morse, con curso de aprendizaje, recordando mis años jóvenes, cuando era radioaficionado. La podéis encontrar en el Play Store de Android. Os dejo el link, por si queréis bajarla.
Lately I am creating some APP. The last one, is a morse translator, with a learning course, remembering my young years, when I was a radio operator. You can find it in the Android Play Store. I leave the link, if you want to download it.
Lately I am creating some APP. The last one, is a morse translator, with a learning course, remembering my young years, when I was a radio operator. You can find it in the Android Play Store. I leave the link, if you want to download it.
Código Morse
jueves, 7 de junio de 2018
Empieza el baile
Desde finales de la semana pasada estamos viviendo un "terremoto" en nuestro país. Creo que es justo agradecer al que se va, que no lo ha tenido fácil, y desear lo mejor para el que llega. que tampoco lo tiene mejor. Los que estamos en el medio "vos salutant"
Since the end of last week we are living an "earthquake" in our country. I think it is fair to thank the one who leaves, who has not had it easy, and wish the best for the one who arrives. that does not have better either. Those of us in the middle "vos salutant"
Since the end of last week we are living an "earthquake" in our country. I think it is fair to thank the one who leaves, who has not had it easy, and wish the best for the one who arrives. that does not have better either. Those of us in the middle "vos salutant"
Empieza el baile
jueves, 31 de mayo de 2018
Estreno de Han Solo
viernes, 25 de mayo de 2018
Zaplana, uno más
jueves, 17 de mayo de 2018
De compras en Suiza
Un compañero ha estado este puente en Suiza, y una de las cosas que nos ha comentado, es el nivel de vida y lo caro que es todo. Según me lo contaba, se me ocurría este dibujo
A friend has been this long week end in Switzerland, and one of the things that he has told us is the level of life and how expensive everything is. As he told me, I thought of this drawing
A friend has been this long week end in Switzerland, and one of the things that he has told us is the level of life and how expensive everything is. As he told me, I thought of this drawing
De compras en Suiza
jueves, 10 de mayo de 2018
La seguridad definitiva
Esta semana Twitter nos pedía cambiar la contraseña por un problema de seguridad. Cuando no es uno, es otro, pero creo que he dado con la solución definitiva.
This week Twitter asked us to change the password for a security problem. When it is not one, it is another, but I think I have found the definitive solution.
This week Twitter asked us to change the password for a security problem. When it is not one, it is another, but I think I have found the definitive solution.
La seguridad definitiva
jueves, 3 de mayo de 2018
La nueva ley GDPR
En menos de un mes se pondrá en marcha el nuevo reglamento Europeo de protección de datos. Vamos a recibir un montón de mails y cartas anunciándonos que si no aceptamos las nuevas condiciones no podrán enviarnos información. El consentimiento tiene que ser explícito.
In less than a month, the new European data protection regulation will be launched. We will receive a lot of mails and letters announcing that if we do not accept the new conditions they will not be able to send us information. The consent has to be explicit.
In less than a month, the new European data protection regulation will be launched. We will receive a lot of mails and letters announcing that if we do not accept the new conditions they will not be able to send us information. The consent has to be explicit.
La nueva ley GDPR
proteccion de datos,
jueves, 26 de abril de 2018
Diestros y zurdos II
Siguiendo con el post de la semana pasada, hoy he querido poner este dibujo, con una expresión que suelo decir de vez en cuando a alguno de mis compañeros.
Continuing with the post of last week, today I want to put this drawing, with an expression that I usually say from time to time to one of my colleagues.
Continuing with the post of last week, today I want to put this drawing, with an expression that I usually say from time to time to one of my colleagues.
Diestros y zurdos II
jueves, 19 de abril de 2018
Diestros y zurdos
En una comida que he tenido esta semana, con unos amigos, nos dimos cuenta que tres eran zurdos y tres diestros. Se me ocurrieron un par de dibujos, y este es el primero
In a meal that I had this week, with some friends, we realized that three were left-handed and three right-handed. I came up with a couple of drawings, and this is the first
In a meal that I had this week, with some friends, we realized that three were left-handed and three right-handed. I came up with a couple of drawings, and this is the first
Diestros y zurdos
jueves, 12 de abril de 2018
Experto en vinos II
Tengo un buen amigo, que es un experto en vinos. De vez en cuando hago algún dibujo al respecto, y esta semana publico uno de ellos.
En la APP, he creaso una nueva categoría llamada "Mundo del vino"
I have a good friend, who is an expert in wines. From time to time I draw some drawings about it, and this week I publish one of them.
In the APP, I created a new category called "World of wine"
En la APP, he creaso una nueva categoría llamada "Mundo del vino"
I have a good friend, who is an expert in wines. From time to time I draw some drawings about it, and this week I publish one of them.
In the APP, I created a new category called "World of wine"
Experto en vinos II
jueves, 5 de abril de 2018
Una de masters
En los últimos días, todos hemos oído hablar de la polémica de un famoso master, así que mientras termino de confeccionar mi certificado en el "Master de Ingeniería técnica de masas para unir ladrillos", os pongo este dibujo.
In the last days, we have all heard of the controversy of a famous master, so while I finish making my certificate in the "Master of Technical Engineering of masses to join bricks", I put this drawing.
In the last days, we have all heard of the controversy of a famous master, so while I finish making my certificate in the "Master of Technical Engineering of masses to join bricks", I put this drawing.
Una de masters
viernes, 30 de marzo de 2018
En un bar de Teruel
La semana pasada estuve un par de días en Teruel por temas de trabajo. Era la primera vez que visitaba la ciudad, y me fui gratamente sorprendido. Tiene un centro histórico muy bien cuidado y ambientado, y la iluminación nocturna le da un aire que te remonta a otras épocas.
Eso sí, pase mucho frío. Cayó nieve, hacía un aire gélido, la verdad es que no apetecía estar en la calle. En un bar, se me ocurrió este dibujo.
Last week I was a couple of days in Teruel for work issues. It was the first time I visited the city, and I left pleasantly surprised. It has a historic center very well maintained and good ambient, and the night lighting gives an air that goes back to other times.
But, yes, it's very cold. It was snowing, it was icy cold, the truth is that noone did not want to be in the street. In a bar, I came up with this drawing.
Eso sí, pase mucho frío. Cayó nieve, hacía un aire gélido, la verdad es que no apetecía estar en la calle. En un bar, se me ocurrió este dibujo.
Last week I was a couple of days in Teruel for work issues. It was the first time I visited the city, and I left pleasantly surprised. It has a historic center very well maintained and good ambient, and the night lighting gives an air that goes back to other times.
But, yes, it's very cold. It was snowing, it was icy cold, the truth is that noone did not want to be in the street. In a bar, I came up with this drawing.
En un bar de Teruel
jueves, 22 de marzo de 2018
Las pensiones y sus consecuencias
La subida de las pensiones va a tener una reacción en cadena, y van a ir llegando en consecuencia, otras subidas adicionales. Con esto seguro que la economía se recupera.
The increase of pensions is going to provoke a chain reaction, and other additional increases will come as a result. With this I am sure that the economy is going to recover.
The increase of pensions is going to provoke a chain reaction, and other additional increases will come as a result. With this I am sure that the economy is going to recover.
Las pensiones y sus consecuencias
jueves, 15 de marzo de 2018
Homenaje a Stephen Hawking
Ayer se nos fue uno de los últimos grandes científicos de la humanidad, que además de dejar un legado impresionante, nos enseñó a luchar.
Yesterday, one of the last great scientists of humanity died, and besides of leaving an impressive legacy, taught us to fight.
Yesterday, one of the last great scientists of humanity died, and besides of leaving an impressive legacy, taught us to fight.
Homenaje a Stephen Hawking
jueves, 8 de marzo de 2018
El folclore es cultura
Aunque no soy mucho de escribir, hoy me voy a extender un poco más, y hablar sobre una noticia que estos días se puede leer en los diarios de Burgos, y que afecta al Festival Internacional de Folclore de la ciudad.
Os preguntaréis que tiene que ver esto conmigo, y la realidad es que he vivido más de 20 años en Burgos, y formaba parte del Grupo de Danzas, que organiza este festival desde hace más de 40 años. Guardo muy buenos recuerdos de esa época, y buenos amigos.
Este año parece ser que no hay presupuesto para organizar este festival, y aunque todavía se está intentando solucionar, según dicen las noticias el tema está difícil.
He leído comentarios de personas que les da igual el folclore, otros que creen que es un problema de los políticos, etc. Opiniones para todos, y quejas de todo tipo.
Yo me considero una persona que no soy "anti-nada", y si lo soy, que no se me note, así que voy a hablar de este tema, sólo desde el punto de vista de la cultura.
El folclore es cultura, y por lo tanto es parte de nuestros orígenes. Si lo perdemos, estaremos llevando al olvido, nuestras señas de identidad. Si el festival se cancela este año, se perderán 40 años de tradición, y no se volverán a recuperar. Será el final del festival, y probablemente el principio de otros finales. Podemos recordar ese famoso poema atribuido a Bertolt Brecht, pero que en realidad no era suyo, y que viene a decirnos que si no hacemos nada cuando estamos a tiempo, porque a nosotros no nos incumbe, mañana será muy tarde y quizás nos afecte.
¿Por qué buscamos huesos en Atapuerca?. Una pregunta muy simplista, porque lo que buscamos son nuestros orígenes. ¿Por qué mantener la catedral?. Porque nos recuerda la forma de vida y las construcciones de la edad media. Somos un país muy rico culturalmente. Las danzas tradicionales marcan una época, y son tradiciones de nuestros padres, abuelos, etc, que no podemos perder.
El festival permite que otros países participen y muestren su cultura, de la misma forma que nos invitan a nosotros para mostrarla en sus países.
Espero y deseo que se solucione el problema, y que pueda seguir celebrándose este festival, que en poco tiempo, llegará a los 50 años de historia, y eso amigos míos, será también parte de nuestra cultura.
Although I do not like to write, today I am going to extend a little more, and talk about a news that these days can be read in the newspapers of Burgos, and that affects the International Folklore Festival of the city.
You will ask yourself what this has to do with me, and the truth is that I have lived more than 20 years in Burgos, and I was part of the Dance Group, which has been organizing this festival for more than 40 years. I have very good memories of that time, and good friends.
This year it seems that there is no budget to organize this festival, and although it is still trying to be solved, according to the news the subject is difficult.
I have read comments from people who do not care about folklore, others who think it is a problem of politicians, etc. Opinions for all, and complaints of all kinds.
I consider myself a person who is not "anti-anything", and if I am, I try htat noone notice it, so I will talk about this topic, only from the point of view of culture.
Folklore is culture, and therefore is part of our origins. If we lose it, we will forget our identities. If the festival is canceled this year, 40 years of tradition will be lost, and will not be recovered again. It will be the end of the festival, and probably the beginning of other endings. We can remember that famous poem attributed to Bertolt Brecht, but that really was not his, and that comes to tell us that if we do not do anything when we are on time, because it does not concern us, tomorrow it will be too late and may affect us.
Why do we look for bones in Atapuerca? A very simplistic question, because what we are looking for are our origins. Why keep the cathedral ?. Because it reminds us of the way of life and constructions of the middle ages. We are a very rich country culturally. The traditional dances mark a time, and are traditions of our parents, grandparents, etc, that we can not lose.
The festival allows other countries to participate and show their culture, in the same way that they invite us to show it in their countries.
I hope and wish that the problem was solved, and that this festival can continue being celebrated, because in a short time, it will reach 50 years of history, and that, my friends, will also be part of our culture.
Os preguntaréis que tiene que ver esto conmigo, y la realidad es que he vivido más de 20 años en Burgos, y formaba parte del Grupo de Danzas, que organiza este festival desde hace más de 40 años. Guardo muy buenos recuerdos de esa época, y buenos amigos.
Este año parece ser que no hay presupuesto para organizar este festival, y aunque todavía se está intentando solucionar, según dicen las noticias el tema está difícil.
He leído comentarios de personas que les da igual el folclore, otros que creen que es un problema de los políticos, etc. Opiniones para todos, y quejas de todo tipo.
Yo me considero una persona que no soy "anti-nada", y si lo soy, que no se me note, así que voy a hablar de este tema, sólo desde el punto de vista de la cultura.
El folclore es cultura, y por lo tanto es parte de nuestros orígenes. Si lo perdemos, estaremos llevando al olvido, nuestras señas de identidad. Si el festival se cancela este año, se perderán 40 años de tradición, y no se volverán a recuperar. Será el final del festival, y probablemente el principio de otros finales. Podemos recordar ese famoso poema atribuido a Bertolt Brecht, pero que en realidad no era suyo, y que viene a decirnos que si no hacemos nada cuando estamos a tiempo, porque a nosotros no nos incumbe, mañana será muy tarde y quizás nos afecte.
¿Por qué buscamos huesos en Atapuerca?. Una pregunta muy simplista, porque lo que buscamos son nuestros orígenes. ¿Por qué mantener la catedral?. Porque nos recuerda la forma de vida y las construcciones de la edad media. Somos un país muy rico culturalmente. Las danzas tradicionales marcan una época, y son tradiciones de nuestros padres, abuelos, etc, que no podemos perder.
El festival permite que otros países participen y muestren su cultura, de la misma forma que nos invitan a nosotros para mostrarla en sus países.
Espero y deseo que se solucione el problema, y que pueda seguir celebrándose este festival, que en poco tiempo, llegará a los 50 años de historia, y eso amigos míos, será también parte de nuestra cultura.
Although I do not like to write, today I am going to extend a little more, and talk about a news that these days can be read in the newspapers of Burgos, and that affects the International Folklore Festival of the city.
You will ask yourself what this has to do with me, and the truth is that I have lived more than 20 years in Burgos, and I was part of the Dance Group, which has been organizing this festival for more than 40 years. I have very good memories of that time, and good friends.
This year it seems that there is no budget to organize this festival, and although it is still trying to be solved, according to the news the subject is difficult.
I have read comments from people who do not care about folklore, others who think it is a problem of politicians, etc. Opinions for all, and complaints of all kinds.
I consider myself a person who is not "anti-anything", and if I am, I try htat noone notice it, so I will talk about this topic, only from the point of view of culture.
Folklore is culture, and therefore is part of our origins. If we lose it, we will forget our identities. If the festival is canceled this year, 40 years of tradition will be lost, and will not be recovered again. It will be the end of the festival, and probably the beginning of other endings. We can remember that famous poem attributed to Bertolt Brecht, but that really was not his, and that comes to tell us that if we do not do anything when we are on time, because it does not concern us, tomorrow it will be too late and may affect us.
Why do we look for bones in Atapuerca? A very simplistic question, because what we are looking for are our origins. Why keep the cathedral ?. Because it reminds us of the way of life and constructions of the middle ages. We are a very rich country culturally. The traditional dances mark a time, and are traditions of our parents, grandparents, etc, that we can not lose.
The festival allows other countries to participate and show their culture, in the same way that they invite us to show it in their countries.
I hope and wish that the problem was solved, and that this festival can continue being celebrated, because in a short time, it will reach 50 years of history, and that, my friends, will also be part of our culture.
El folclore es cultura
danzas tradicionales,
justo del rio
jueves, 1 de marzo de 2018
Ya tengo APP
Hoy quería hacer un dibujo para publicar mi APP entre los que me siguen habitualmente.
He creado una APP muy sencilla, desde donde se puede acceder a casi 400 dibujos ordenados por categorías, a mi blog y un par de libros que he publicado.
Si queréis descargarla, podéis hacerlo desde el Play Store, de momento sólo la tengo para Android. Buscad por "JJC Funny Pictures", y enseguida la veréis.
Iré añadiendo el dibujo semanal, pero como los tengo en Google Photos, desde la APP accedéis a las diferentes carpetas (categorías), y podréis acceder a los nuevos. Además los 10 últimos estarán en la carpeta "Novedades". es pero que os guste.
Today I wanted to make a drawing to publish my APP among those who usually follow me.
I have created a very simple APP, from where you can access to almost 400 drawings ordered by categories, to my blog and a couple of books that I have published.
If you want to download it, you can do it from the Play Store, at the moment I only have it for Android. Search for "JJC Funny Pictures", and you will see it soon.
I will be adding the weekly drawing, but since I have them in Google Photos, from the APP you can access the different folders (categories), and you can access the new ones. In addition, the last 10 will be in the "News" folder. I hope you like it.
He creado una APP muy sencilla, desde donde se puede acceder a casi 400 dibujos ordenados por categorías, a mi blog y un par de libros que he publicado.
Si queréis descargarla, podéis hacerlo desde el Play Store, de momento sólo la tengo para Android. Buscad por "JJC Funny Pictures", y enseguida la veréis.
Iré añadiendo el dibujo semanal, pero como los tengo en Google Photos, desde la APP accedéis a las diferentes carpetas (categorías), y podréis acceder a los nuevos. Además los 10 últimos estarán en la carpeta "Novedades". es pero que os guste.
Today I wanted to make a drawing to publish my APP among those who usually follow me.
I have created a very simple APP, from where you can access to almost 400 drawings ordered by categories, to my blog and a couple of books that I have published.
If you want to download it, you can do it from the Play Store, at the moment I only have it for Android. Search for "JJC Funny Pictures", and you will see it soon.
I will be adding the weekly drawing, but since I have them in Google Photos, from the APP you can access the different folders (categories), and you can access the new ones. In addition, the last 10 will be in the "News" folder. I hope you like it.
Ya tengo APP
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